Leasing collection

The assurance and return of leased vehicles. Our corporation guarantees all vehicle securings and vehicle returns not only national but also international. Our company will handle the requisition of vehicles for leasing and banking corporations and additionally handle the leasing collection and collect the outstanding accounts.


Our corporation can secure vehicles of all kind in a professional manner and also perform location research of these vehicles. This can be done with an area search, if the vehicle is near the residence of the debtor. Additionally we have the possibility to perform investigations at acquaintances, employers and neighbours of the debtor if the vehicle is untraceable . Our detectives can begin at all times with the observation of the lessee. Our investigation center disposes of an of an wide network of competent partners (including national and international officials and authorities).


We offer individual offers and guarantee an easy and fast case delivery via E-Mail, fax, mail or online. A fast and free case assessment. Billing is done according to effort and success.

Why choose us?

Due to specific strategy and differentiated investigative procedures, we are capable to find and secure leasing goods. Our customers are some of the strongest and leasing companies and trust us with the reacquisition of their property.

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